Xsynth-DSSI is a classic-analog (VCOs-VCF-VCA) style software synthesizer which
operates as a plugin for the Disposable Soft Synth Interface (DSSI). DSSI is a
plugin API for software instruments (soft synths) with user interfaces,
permitting them to be hosted in-process by Linux audio applications. More
information on DSSI can be found at:
Xsynth-DSSI retains the basic synthesis model of Xsynth, while
adding the following features:
- operation as a DSSI plugin,
- polyphonic operation,
- band-limited oscillators,
- a new, more stable filter mode, and
- velocity-sensitive envelopes.
Xsynth-DSSI is written by Sean Bolton, and copyright (c)2004 under the
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
Xsynth-DSSI is based on Steve Brooke's Xsynth 1.0.2, which is available (also
under GPL) at:
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