Additional modules for Tux Commander:
This plugin is built on top of the GVFS daemon, which is an integral part of
Gnome Desktop since version 2.22. It provides access to many type of resources
such as network shares (FTP, SSH/SFTP, Samba, WebDAV), bluetooth devices
(ObexFTP), cameras and portable players (gphoto2) and others.
This plugin uses ZipArchive library, Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 Artpol
Software - Tadeusz Dracz. Both plugin and the library are pretty stable for
normal use at their current versions.
- libarchive
This plugin uses libarchive library, Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Tim Kientzle.
The plugin can be either linked statically or can use shared system library.
Dieses Paket hat keine veröffentlichten Versionen.