Jconv is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned
convolution with multiple partition sizes. It's a command line
version of what will be the core of Aella, but without the special
reverb feautures, preset management, reverb envelope editing etc.
that Aella will have.
Jconv uses a configurable smallest partition size at the start
of the impulse response, and longer ones further on. This way you
can have long impulse responses _and_ minimal or even zero delay
at a reasonable CPU load. This would be impossible using just one
partition size.
Processing for partition sizes larger than Jack's period size is
delegated to up to five threads running at real-time priorities
just below that of Jack's audio threads. CPU load generated in such
threads will _not_ show up in Jack's DSP load figures.
If you set the smallest partition size equal to JACK's period,
there will be zero processing delay. Otherwise the processing delay
is 2 * smallest_partition - period_size.
Jconv will do any convolution matrix up to 64 inputs by 64 outputs,
as long as your CPU can handle it. It doesn't waste any memory or
CPU cycles on empty cells in the matrix, nor on empty parts of an
impulse response. Maximum length for each convolution is 30
Jconv can easily generate 100% CPU load at real-time priority. This
will in most cases not stop audio processing, as the load will be
at lower priority, but it will lock up everything running at normal
priorities such as your terminals or desktop. Don't panic - jconv
will detect the situation and bail out after a second or so.
Author: Fons Adriaensen
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