Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox and mp3
player programs available.
* Jampal stores a music library of over 22000 songs with ease.
* You can sort, organize and categorize your tracks.
* It is very fast. You can sort 12000 tracks in under a second.
* You can update hundreds of track tags in one operation in a few
* Jampal libraries can be easily customized so that you can organize
your music any way you want to.
* You can create your own frames within the ID3v2 standard to categorize
your songs which ever way you want.
* The library can be imported into a spreadsheet or text editor program.
* Musicmatch Jukebox libraries can be converted to Jampal and vice versa.
* Most ID3v2 fields are supported, including all text fields and any
number of attached pictures.
* Reference information from the ID3v2 standard is included to help
understand the purpose and usage of each frame.
* Synthesized voice announcements of song titles (on all platforms).
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