Jubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles.
It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as
a tool to convert, transform, correct and refine existing
subtitles. The most popular subtitle formats can be used. Preview
of the subtitles in realtime or in design time, spell checking,
translation mode and styles editing are some of the main features.
General features
* It support$s Advanced SubStation, SubStation Alpha, SubRip,
SubViewer (1 and 2), MicroDVD, MPL2 and Spruce DVD Maestro
file formats, although it is easy to extend it to support
other file types.
* All encodings supported by Java platform are also supported here
(like UTF-8). The user is able to select a list of preferred
encodings in order to load the localized subtitle files.
* GUI internationalization support through gettext utilities.
* Styles are supported (when saving in SubStation formats or SRT).
These styles are either specific either per subtitle or per character.
* Translating mode (parent & child editors) is supported
* Graphical preview of the subtitles using the FFMPEG library.
Current frame, waveform preview and waveform listening is supported.
* Graphically display of subtitles, which can be moved and resized.
* Play the subtitles file using a video player (mplayer). While in
playing mode the user is able to freely edit the subtitles (and
inform the player for this change) or add a new subtitle in real
* Mark subtitles with different colors, either when editing or real
time when playing the video
* Automatically mark any subtitles above a given threshold size
* Spell checking, with support for dictionary selection
* Test the subtitles on the movie and navigate with a full graphical
* Select areas in the movie just in time and add new subtitles
Author: Panayotis Katsaloulis
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