The Exciting Adventures Of Master Chef Ogro has been released!
It is a standalone game created on the open source free 3D Game
Maker Platinum Arts Sandbox and it features the adventures of
Master Chef Ogro.
Features include puzzles, obstacles, produce magic and monsters
and many levels to explore from a castle, cave, and forests, to
glitchworlds where the whole universe can seem upside down!
Track down and battle the evil Shadow Chef who is trying to take
over the world with his produce abominations! The RPG contains
many new powerful features that will make it easy for you to make
your own RPGs, including the ability to easily add and tweak
monsters, spells, etc!
The project has been kept kid friendly with mild animated combat
which features monsters becoming "full" and unable to attack.
The majority of the content was created by High School students
and was featured at the 2009 Games Festival at RPI.
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